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digital lending through APIs

Platformable, a consulting firm that helps companies and public bodies generate value through the use of APIs, recently published stats on the status of Open Banking which gives interesting insights especially on regional variations as also the products in favour. Two facts stand out- growth in the European region (29%) was driven by the mandate…

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AI in lending

“By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” ― EliezerYudkowsky Artificial intelligence is when a machine can think. It is that simple—when a machine is able to take in data, interpret and learn from it the way humans do, it is an artificially intelligent machine. AI…

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Bitcoin example

Remember a few years ago when Bitcoin was all the rage? Everyone thought it was the next big thing. From the obscure geeky past of Bitcoin in 2008, founded by the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, the new currency moved through the hype cycle and grew from strength to strength. Bitcoin technology also gave rise to more…

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tech companies and money foray

The growing indispensability of technology companies in the financial industry Global technology giant Google announced that it is entering the banking industry in collaboration with six partner banks to offer current accounts to US-based customers. The impressive list of banks were Citigroup, Stanford Federal Credit Union, Bank Mobile, BBVA USA, BMO Harris, Coastal Community Bank,…

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UI UX in lending

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs This is the visual age. What you see is what you get. In a world where the ubiquity of connected devices have permeated every aspect of customer decision making, visual appeal is what makes or breaks…

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Will the AI explain itself? Though artificial intelligence has existed for decades, it has remained in the fringes for long, with few game-changing applications until today. That said, the current Covid-19 pandemic has moved the world towards embracing AI in as many ways as possible to compensate for the unprecedented restrictions. AI-based social distancing detection…

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Supply chains- the value network consisting of sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing, outbound logistics, channels and demand management- took a massive beating from the pandemic. As COVID-19 related lockdowns overwhelmed country after country, firms and businesses experienced supply shocks in the forms of both disruptions to the availability of goods sourced from China as also…

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“If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation.” — Amit Kalantri, popular writer. There is no denying the effect of this pandemic. The world coming to a standstill means that the economy stands on the brink of collapse and this does not bode well for anyone. But in times like these, we must…

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If you are using a travel site to book flight tickets or an entertainment app to book movie tickets or simply making payments through your mobile, you are using APIs- the technical name for programs that help software systems connect with one another and perform tasks by sharing information. Closer to home, a telling example…

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