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Banking Trends

Tech Upgrades

Open Banking

Customers are critical assets to any business entity. Before recent times, lending institutions focused on building better relationships with their customers. The customers, in turn, relied on these firms for sound financial advice before making any investment, purchase or debt-related decisions. With the rapid evolution in the sector in recent years, lenders have overlooked this…

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With the evolution of modern technology, financial institutions are taking advantage of this to be more engaging with their customers! Technology is already transforming the financial sector, and the traditional ways of banking will grow old in the next 5 years! There have been numerous growth opportunities when it comes to safe banking like advanced…

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Credit card transaction process might seem very simple wherein a customer swipes the card and a transaction or withdrawal (process) is done. But behind every single process, there are more complex procedures. Earlier, credit cards were processed manually by taking a print of the customer’s credit card information and transmitted through phone or internet. This…

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